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Export to Word

Export your manuscript to Microsoft Word

Jacob Wright avatar
Written by Jacob Wright
Updated over 10 months ago

Dabble gives you the ability to export any part of your manuscript to a Microsoft® Word document. If you have Pages on your Mac, or Google Docs, you can also open a Word document with those. You can export a scene, chapter, part, or entire book. We have not added support for exporting story notes yet.

The Word export is in the traditional manuscript form that agents and publishers prefer.

To export:

  • Find the item you would like to export in the left-hand navigation

  • Hover over the item to reveal the 3 menu dots on it's right

  • Click on the menu dots, and select Export to Word


If the menu item "Export to Word" does not appear, it is because:

  • you are not selecting a manuscript item, we only provide export of the manuscript currently

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